Jessica Stephens will be speaking at the Hill International CIOB Masterclass Series. The question of whether something does or doesn’t constitute a contractual change still dominates construction disputes. The seminar will look in more detail at the following key issues:

  • What are the most common disputes that arise in relation to variations?
  • What are the Contractors’ obligations to undertake works not referred to?
  • How far does Design Development extend?
  • What design responsibility do you have for varied work?
  • The impact of changed conditions on varied and contract works
  • Resolving contradictions between documents and incomplete information
  • Can unprofitable rates be used to value change and are there limits?

The seminar will take place at 11 Pilgrim Street, London, EC4V 6RN with registration taking place from 5.30pm.

More information on the event and how to register your place can be found here.

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