On Friday 15th January, the Supreme Court handed down its much anticipated Judgment in the FCA Test Case relating to Covid Business Insurance, The FCA v Arch & Others [2021] UKSC 1. This is undoubtedly one of the most significant decisions in insurance law in a long time – not just because it decides whether […]
4 Pump Court’s joint head of chambers Nick Vineall QC and Andrew Stevens acted for the LMAA as an intervening party before the Supreme Court in this landmark arbitration decision. The ICC, LCIA, GAFTA and CIArb also intervened. The Facts The Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2011 gave rise to many disputes, many arbitrations and to […]
On 24 September 2019, the Supreme Court handed down its unanimous judgment in R (Miller) v the Prime Minister [2019] UKSC 41 holding that the prorogation of Parliament had been unlawful and was null and void. Undoubtedly, the reverberations of this judgment will be felt in the legal world for some time. 4 Pump Court’s […]
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