The Fraud Conference 2021 will bring together world-class speakers including policy makers, insolvency experts, fraud specialists (including cryptocurrency fraud) and renowned academics, who will deliver unique insights into hot topics related to global financial crime including tackling rogue companies, cryptocurrency fraud and digital forensics. Matthew Lavy will be speaking at a panel session called “Secret […]
We are pleased that Edward Garnier KC has been appointed to the SFO’s list of approved external counsel. Edward’s appointment is effective from 31st December 2020 and will run until 2024. For more information about Edward’s commercial and corporate crime practice, please contact our clerks.
11th January 2021
With the Brexit transition period set to end on 31 December 2020, this article looks at the implications for jurisdiction and the recognition & enforcement of judgments in cross-border litigation involving parties split between the UK and EU/EFTA member states, with a particular focus on litigation before the courts of England and Wales. It concludes […]
4th November 2020
We are pleased to announce that the second edition of Civil Appeals: Principle and Procedure has been published. Written by Sean O’Sullivan KC, Lynne McCafferty, James Purchas and James Leabeater, Civil Appeals is an authoritative and detailed guide to the practice and procedure for bringing civil appeals at all levels of the appellate courts. Further […]
18th September 2015
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