#LitigationHacks for cryptocurrency fraud

Matthew Lavy will be speaking at the latest BrightTALK webinar on 20th October 2020 alongside Danny Quah of Providence Law Asia LLC. Matthew and Danny will address court-based tools in England and Singapore that victims of cryptocurrency fraud can consider using to recover their stolen assets. Such tools include: Proprietary, “Black Swan” and “Persons Unknown” […]

Podcast: The ICO perspective on AI and data protection with Simon McDougall

The latest episode of 4PC Podcast is brought to you by Quentin Tannock. Quentin talks with Simon McDougall, Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Deputy Commissioner, on the topic of AI and data protection.  Their discussion covers the ICO perspective on AI and data protection, the recent ICO Guidance on the topic, key challenges and opportunities for industry in the […]

23rd September 2020

4 Pump Court are gold sponsors of the Society of Computers and Law Annual Conference 2020

We are delighted to be sponsoring the SCL Annual Conference again this year, albeit under different circumstances to usual. This year’s conference will be held virtually across two days on 7th and 8th October. The schedule for the conference runs as follows: Tech for Tech Lawyers – understanding the technology behind Software Development & Technology […]

Podcast: Explaining Artificial Intelligence with Terry Bergin KC and Quentin Tannock

The third episode of 4PC Podcast is brought to you by Terry Bergin KC and Quentin Tannock. In this episode, Terry and Quentin discuss the issue of explaining Artificial Intelligence with specific reference to processing personal data in light of the recent guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office. This podcast was originally produced for […]

2nd September 2020

ExplAIning Artificial Intelligence

In a recent article for the Society of Computers and Law, Terence Bergin KC and Quentin Tannock look at the importance of explaining Artificial Intelligence, outlining recent guidance from Project ExplAIn and discussing explanation related challenges for organisations that deploy Artificial Intelligence to process personal data. Read the full article on the Society of Computers […]

3rd August 2020

Contact Tracing – The Ethical and Legal Issues

Anthony Speaight KC, Iain Munro and Anna Hoffmann Three members of chambers examine the ethical debate and legal issues surrounding the adoption of a contact tracing app. They conclude that the technology which the British Government has to date favoured raises a host of ethical dilemmas and legal challenges. The technological responses to the pandemic […]

3rd June 2020

Tech Disputes Network event hosted by CYK

Quentin Tannock addressed an audience of around 40 solicitors and barristers at the inaugural Tech Disputes Network event in London. Quentin’s presentation, titled ‘21st Century problems’ identified emerging dispute hotspots in the FinTech sector and introduced resulting stakeholder disputes (including with shareholders, employees and suppliers), M&A related disputes and disputes arising out of insolvencies. Quentin […]

Making a Career of IT

Anna Hoffmann reports on the SCL Junior Lawyers’ Group meeting ‘Making a Career of IT’ hosted by 4 Pump Court on 22 October 2019. At this interesting event SCL members gained insights into different careers in IT law. The event was chaired by Quentin Tannock. A diverse panel, both in terms of specialisms and roles, […]

Triple Point Technology, Inc. v PTT Public Company Limited

In a case note written for the Society of Computers and Law (SCL), Quentin Tannock and Jonathan Schaffer-Goddard summarise and analyse the recent judgment in Triple Point and the correct approach towards liquidated damages for delay clauses. Quentin and Jonathan’s case note is now available on the SCL website.

15th March 2019

AI: Changing Rules for a Changed World

In an article for the Society of Computers and Law (SCL), Terence Bergin KC and Quentin Tannock use the rise and expected further development of FinTech to explore some of the legal issues that might arise from AI. Read the full piece on the SCL website.

15th May 2018

UK Government’s “Guidance on responsible contractual behaviour” – toothless for now, but laying foundations for...

On 7 May 2020, the Government published a document entitled “Guidance on responsible contractual behaviour in the performance and enforcement of contracts impacted by the COVID-19 emergency” (the “guidance”). In this short article, Sean Brannigan KC and Kajetan Wandowicz summarise the guidance, and discuss its potential implications for commercial parties. It was prepared jointly by the Cabinet Office and […]

12th May 2020

Society for Computers and Law Adjudication Panel

Following the launch of the SCL Adjudication Scheme in October 2019, Simon Henderson has been selected as one of only five members of the SCL’s Adjudication Panel for the scheme. Members of the panel have been identified as tech law professionals with considerable experience of both technology and dispute resolution matters. Appointments have been given approval by […]

20th April 2020

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