4 Pump Court is committed to ensuring that equality and diversity is at the forefront of its operation. This means that we ensure an unprejudiced recruitment and retention of all barristers, pupils and staff. We also pride ourselves on our imposition of fair and unbiased access and allocation of work. Lastly, we maintain an inclusive and supportive work environment is in which all individuals, clients and the public are treated with respect.
In his inaugural speech, former Head of Chambers and former Chair of the Bar Council, Nick Vineall KC, set out his priorities for 2023: promoting the independence of advocates; addressing the “unfinished business” of remuneration for publicly funded criminal work; ensuring the appropriate level of regulation of the profession; and taking action to improve diversity at the Bar.
Our inaugural Pride Moot was set up to send an important message that the commercial bar is open to everyone. The annual competition is open to any aspiring lawyer who is member or ally of the LGBTQ+ community. The moot won ‘LGBT+ Initiative of the Year’ at the Women and Diversity in Law Awards 2022.
4 Pump Court is a supporter of the Black Talent Charter. This means that we are committed to creating and maintaining an environment where black talent can be identified, developed, and promoted for the benefit of individuals, the organisation and the wider sectors and economy.
To view a copy of our Equal Opportunities Policy and Diversity Data Report please see our Equal Opportunities page.
4 Pump Court joined forces with 19 other chambers to launch a new Commercial Bar Association (‘COMBAR’) mentoring programme with the aim of encouraging students from under-represented groups to pursue careers as barristers (see Legal Cheek).
Due to financial pressure as a result of the impact of Covid-19, some criminal sets had no choice but to withdraw pupillage offers for September 2020. Under a scheme administered by the Bar Council, 4 Pump Court was one of a few commercial chambers and groups of members who financial supported criminal pupils to complete their training. Members of 4 Pump Court donated over £18,000 to the Criminal Bar Association, towards the sponsorship (see Law Gazette).
A number of our members are supporters of the Bar Council Member Mentoring Scheme which provides a valuable means for barristers to derive support and assistance from other barristers with relevant experience, on a confidential basis and outside the framework of existing chambers relationships.
In 2022, Matthew Lavy and Iain Munro launched ‘Society of Computers and Law- IA in Schools Programme’– an outreach initiative aimed at helping under privileged sixth form students, who may never have heard of tech law, consider a career in the sector.
A number of our members were involved in the “Pathways to Law programme” operated by the Sutton Trust which offers eligible secondary students an opportunity to explore options available within the legal services profession.
4 Pump Court is committed to access to justice and actively encourages members to undertake pro-bono work from the outset of practice and throughout their careers. Our longstanding support for Advocate and the Free Representation Unit (‘FRU)’ demonstrates our values as a set. In 2022, Neil Dowers and Anna Hoffman completed the 25 for 25: The Pro Bono Challenge. In 2021, former colleague, Anthony Speaight KC, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Bar Pro Bono Awards.
Members of Chambers participate in the Chancery Bar Litigant in Person Support Scheme (‘CLIPS’). The scheme is intended to both assist litigants in presenting their cases to the court and assist the Interim Applications Judge to serve the interests of justice. In this way, members contribute to the Bar’s efforts to ensure that access to justice is not hampered by an individual’s financial means.
Neither chambers nor its service company make any charity or political donations however our members and staff participate in numerous charity initiatives;
Chambers is committed to providing a working environment in which its members and staff are safe, secure, and healthy. The happiness of the team is paramount and although the number of members and staff has grown over the last decade, we maintain a collegiate and welcoming environment for all. Our wellbeing committee co-ordinates regular internal initiatives with the aim to maintain positive mental health amongst staff and barristers.
For help and advice talk to a member of our clerking team. They can advise on the best options for your matter.
Call: +44 (0) 20 7842 5555