Mediation services enable parties to resolve their disputes quickly, confidentially and cost effectively. This can avoid damage to valuable, ongoing commercial relationships.

We have a team of specialist mediators who will improve the chances of reaching a settlement. With our background as barristers, we have first-hand experience of the challenges that contesting parties face in pursuing and defending claims. We try to find creative solutions. We press parties with serious reality testing if needed.

How We Operate

  • Mediation services can be arranged at short notice. Together, we’ll tailor our service to your dispute.
  • We are based in London but are happy to travel to wherever the parties need us – or to mediate by phone if that is required.
  • We cover disputes of all values and complexities. For simpler, lower value disputes, fixed fees packages may be available for mediators based on the amount in issue (starting at £250 per party).
  • We can help with a wide range of disputes. Please see our bios below.
  • We will make early contact with the parties, so that we can design an efficient dispute resolution process.
  • The mediation itself will usually take a full day – although sometimes a half-day mediation is enough, or even a mediation by phone. Typically mediations take place with lawyers attending – although there are no hard and fast rules about this. It all depends on the nature of dispute and the needs of the parties. Flexibility is one of the process’s strengths.
  • We can provide a mediation agreement to suit the dispute and participants.

For further information in relation to our Mediators, please contact our Clerks:

T: +44 (0)20 7842 5555
E: [email protected]

Would you like to
 know more?

For help and advice talk to a member of our clerking team. They can advise on the best options for your matter.

Call: +44 (0) 20 7842 5555

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